
An alarm clock stands next to a pile of files

What is the statute of limitations on federal tax crimes? Understanding Time Limits for Prosecution

If you're worried about past tax issues, understanding the time limits for prosecution is crucial. The statute of limitations for most federal tax crimes is generally three years from the date the tax return was filed or due. However, this timeline can be extended to six years for certain offenses, particularly those involving substantial underreporting of income or more serious fraud cases.

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marijuana leaves arizona

Everything You Need to Know About Expunging A Marijuana-Related Conviction In Arizona

Thanks to Proposition 207, which Arizona voters approved last year, hundreds of thousands of people qualified to seal their criminal records of marijuana-related convictions can now do so.

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marijuana possession

Marijuana Possession Charges In Arizona – What You Need To Know

As of November 30th, 2020, recreational marijuana has been legal in the state of Arizona. This has been great news for marijuana enthusiasts, who have been calling for legalization across the country. The new law, based on Proposition 207, allows residents and visitors to possess marijuana intended for personal recreational use. Distribution of marijuana requires a license, which the state plans to issue to dispensaries.

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Stand Your Ground Law

What is the Arizona “Stand Your Ground” Law?

If you ask almost any lawyer or news fan in the state, they’ll tell you that “Stand Your Ground” is one of Arizona’s most controversial laws. The law has recently shown up in news headlines. Or rather, there have been news headlines featuring cases where similar laws resulted in deaths that allegedly resulted in racially-motivated deaths.

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sexual harassment

What are Harassment Charges in Arizona?

In Arizona, “Harassment Charges” come with a broad, comprehensive definition. At their core, applicable situations include anything somebody does to “seriously alarm, annoy, or harass” another person. These acts of harassment can be communicated a number of ways including in person, over the phone, or by another electronic means.

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burglary robbery

Burglary vs. Robbery — What is the Difference in Arizona

The terms robbery and burglary are often used interchangeably by those without knowledge of the criminal justice system. In truth, there are critical differences between the two crimes that affect the types of criminal penalties they each carry.

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drug crimes

Arizona Fines for Possession of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs for Sale

Arizona drug laws are some of the toughest in the country. If you are arrested for possession of narcotics and dangerous drugs for sale, you face serious felony charges, jail time, and substantial fines. You need to understand the different classes and consequences of these felonies to prepare a proper defense.

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